I DO NOT OWE YOU (Everybody’s Uncle broadcast 07/21/04)
I do not owe you a college education. But show me some direction – I’ll show you some tuition.
I do not owe you a car. But if you have good grade and observe the house rules…
I do not owe you room and board after age 18. But some time to help you save for your future…
I do not owe you my life style. But I might raise yours just a little.
I do not owe you a pain free existence. But if life throws you a curve ball…
I do not have to pay for your mistakes. But I might help depending upon circumstances.
I do not have to baby sit But weekends and some vacation time has a shot.
I do not have to tolerate lying. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
I do not have to like your boyfriend/girlfriend. But I will be pleasant.
I do not have to accept your promiscuous life style. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.
I do not have to accept drug abuse. No buts about it!
Days until your 18th birthday – [ ]